House of Chiaroscuro 黑白切
空間坪數|54坪 ,180m2
空間格局 |2臥房 , 1更衣室 ,1書房,客廳,餐廳,廚房,2衛浴,輕食區
玄關的木皮進入到客廳空間即轉化為人字鋪木地板搭配較為中性的特殊塗料材質。客廳電視牆為造型特殊的梯形設計櫃體, 黑色金屬漆帶有強烈紋理的大膽組合在這些充滿陽光的空間中提供了深度和對比。客廳作為家庭聚會的地方,活潑大理石線條的廚房牆壁和工作台,與黑色櫃體的色調形成對比。
Having been impressed by lots of architectural designs during business travels, the owner of this apartment commissioned the design firm to design her 180-square-metre space in Chiayi city. Without a specific brief, the design team had free rein to conceive a design concept almost from scratch, with the only request being the use of strong contrasts between light and dark, dynamic geometric spaces as main concept throughout the home.
With a design strategy to play with ideas of chiaroscuro, rather than pose contrasts of shadow and light, the contrast was derived through black layering and an abundance of light. The black texture was small but neat distinction, as it could be used as an element to define public and intimate zones.
The apartment was originally a large open plan with no partitions when firstly built by the developer. The apartment had large opening along both sides, so the living room and bedrooms had large windows and sliding doors to receive natural light. In an apartment that was fused with light that seemed to pour into the home from all angles, the combined elements of architecture and interior design can work together to create beautiful intimacy. The advantage of the original entrance was quite spacious and airy, the design team added shoe cupboards and a special seating alcove to create an inviting and cosy nook. From the entrance through to the more private areas like the study and bedrooms, custom joinery acted as partitions, while each pocket of space had giving a unique geometric shape to create separate visual zones even without doors.